Mumbai: Actor Vidyut Jamwal on Monday was acquitted in an assault case after 12 years by the Metropolitan Magistrate Court here in Bandra.
“The action hero is now totally free. The action hero only does ‘action’ in the movies is all I’d like to say,” he told ANI reacting to the verdict.
The actor, who attained fame after his film ‘Commando’, was accused of smashing a bottle on a person’s head in Mumbai in the year 2007.
Aniket Nikam, Lawyer for Vidyut Jamwal in the case said: “The case pertains to an allegation levelled against Vidyut Jamwal in the year 2007 of assaulting somebody while he was partying in a club in Mumbai.”
“During the trial, we were able to establish that there was absolutely no incriminating evidence against the actor,” he said, further asserting that “the court has accepted our submissions today and acquitted Jamwal.”
Harishnath Goswami, a friend of Vidyut Jamwal who was also named in the matter, has been acquitted as well.
“The prosecution has failed to establish any evidence. Hence both Vidyut Jamwal and his friend Harishnath Goswami have been acquitted in the matter,” Nikam said.
Vidyut Jamwal, Indian film actor, stunt performer and a trained martial artist, predominantly works in Hindi cinema.