It seems all was not quite well between Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan at the recent premiere of Sarbjit. While both Abhishek and Aishwarya’s families were present at the event and even came together for one big family photograph, there seems to have been something that irked Abhishek during the photo-ops.
The video above clearly shows Abhishek first ignoring Aishwarya calling out to him to pose with her, at which Aishwarya’s dad requests Abhishek to do so.
As the video went viral, fans started questioning: Why did Abhishek treat Aishwarya like that, and in public? Is he insecure of his wife’s success? We think he might be just in a bad mood, or probably craving for his wife’s love and must have had a simple tiff. Watch the video here and tell us what you think!