Jeddah: The video in which Donald Trump, US President, is seen talking about Kaaba went viral. This video was later found to be a fake one.
According to the news published in Arab News, in the video, Donald Trump is seen expressing wonder over a massive crowd gathered around the Kaaba in Makkah.
This video was manipulated replacing the photograph of the crowd gathered on the occasion of his oath taking ceremony in front of Capitol Hill in Washington by Kaaba.

It is also reported that in the fake video, Trump is seen pointing to the photograph of Kaaba and is heard saying, “One thing this shows is how far over they go here, look how far this is, it goes all the way down, all the way down. Nobody sees that, you don’t see that… but when you look at this tremendous sea of life — I call it sea of love — it’s really something special, that all these people traveled from all parts of the country, maybe the world…”