“And when the situation will arrive, neither your shops, nor your godowns will be safe” : Maulana Abul Hasan Nadvi Saheb.
Burma: Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi, an Islamic theologian of twentieth century, born in 1333 A.H. (1914 A.D.), specialised in Arabic literature at Nadwatul Ulema, Lucknow, studied Hadith under Sheikh Husain Ahmed Madani and Tafsir under Maulana Ahmad Ali of Lahore.

Maulana Nadvi’s historic lecture to Burmese in 1961, predicted the ethnic group’s present situation.
He started by reminding that wealth, health and power has an end, and that if there is ‘only’ being which will remain, then it is and it will be Allah’s name.
“Remember, you won’t be able to live in this country, you will be disowned if you do not work for the cause of Allah,” asserted Nadvi years ago.
“And when the situation will arrive, neither your shops, nor your godowns will be safe,” Nadvi Saheb added.
Nadvi Saheb made listeners recollect the historic incident of Haroon Rasheed, an Islamic intellect, wherein his faith in destiny has been brought to light, and his faith in fact that the ‘grains written in his fate will reach him come what may’.
Nadvi Saheb directed the then people to ‘push the Trolley of Eeman for few days and that it will in turn push your life for years’
After more than half an hour of his speech, Nadvi concluded by saying that neither the Crorepati’s nor the Lakhpati’s will be spared except that they have ‘work for Islam’s cause’ in their list of deeds.