Video of Pakistani dad schooling reporter on ‘purpose’ of Aurat march goes viral

The Aurat March is an annual event held by women across Pakistan on International Women’s Day to express their concerns and celebrate womanhood. A video of a Pakistani father educating a reporter about the ‘purpose’ of the march went viral as netizens praised his progressive mindset.

A Pakistani woman named Leena Ghani shared the video of her father debating the man with the mic about the Aurat March.

Leena’s father was seen in the first video responding to a reporter’s query about the ‘reason’ for the “Aurat March” and advising the man to do his research properly.

The man continued by saying that, aside from legislation prohibiting sexual harassment, most laws discriminate against women, and they feel overlooked in several sectors.

“Women’s voices are underrepresented anyplace you go, including in courts of law. If you’re unsure, send a lady by herself to the police station or court, the man said, advising the reporter to learn more about gender studies.

The video garnered 333K views and 2810 likes by the time of publishing this article.

Leena further added that it’s a privilege in Pakistan to have a supportive father. “It breaks my heart that so many women don’t have that. I wish that for every girl, every young adult, and every woman,” Leena wrote.

What is Aurat March

Aurat Azadi March is held annually in different cities of Pakistan such as Lahore, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Faisalabad, Multan, Quetta, Karachi, Islamabad and Peshawar on the occasion of International Women’s Day to fight for women’s rights. The first Aurat March was held in Karachi in 2018, and subsequently in Lahore and Karachi the following year,