Video: Muslims perform Taraweeh prayers at New York Times Square

For the second time in the history of the United States (US), hundreds of Muslims observing Ramzan broke their fast and offered Taraweeh prayers in New York City’s Times Square.

Taraweeh is part of the holy Quran that is recited every day during the month of Ramzan until its completion.

On Saturday night, March 25, the event was organised by Muslim social media influencer SQ, in collaboration with Muslims Giving Back and Droplets of Mercy.

At sunset, Quran reciters Faisal Latif and Faraj Hassan led prayers and people started breaking their fast with free iftar meals.

2,000 iftar meals were served to Muslims on the sidewalks of Times Square, the city’s busiest artery, then followed by hundreds of Muslims participating in Taraweeh prayers.

As per media reports, the aim of the event was to help non-Muslim New Yorkers learn how to celebrate Ramzan.

A projector also displayed verses from the holy Quran as they were recited, along with English translations.

Watch the video below

One of the organizers of the gathering, SQ shared a video on Instagram and wrote, “This Deen is HAQQ & I will never stops until Islam enters every home.”

“Taraweeh in Time Square is just the beginnning In Sha Allah, Jazzahkum Allahkhyr to EVERYONE who pulled up in the POOREST of weather conditions. Allah seen your hearts & chose you for this alhamdulillah. I know you all had a blast,” SQ added.

One of the social media blogger name Faduma took to Instagram and wrote, “Witnessed prayer in Time Square and to be frank many non-Muslims were in awe. Just standing and listening to the eords of Allah. Seen many smiles Alhamdulillah. Islam is a faith of unity and peace and proud to be part of the billions that share the same faith.”

At the end of the night, two people took the shahada and converted to Islam after hearing the recitation of the Quran.

For the first time in US history in 2022, Muslims perform Taraweeh prayers at New York Times Square.

Times Square is one of the largest commercial intersections, for tourists to enjoy their entertainment venues located in Manhattan, New York.