Video: World’s first-ever robotic check-in system at airports to soon be a reality

Dubai-based Emirates airlines to introduce a robotic check-in system at airports in the country this year, local media reported.

The robot named Sara will be able to perform the check-in process in three simple steps.

The check-in robot is Al-enabled, will be able to assist travelers in six languages ​​, and can perform the functions of check-ins and hotel reservations.

As per a report by Khaleej Times, travelers can expect to see the first few robots at Dubai airports soon.

More than 200 of these robots will operate at airports across the city over the next few years.

The robot was first unveiled at the ForsaTEK innovation forum on March 9. In the future, Sarah will also be able to help with baggage acceptance and airport navigation.

Robot Sara is produced entirely locally and Emirates will be the first airline in the world to introduce this technology.

Watch the video below here