The Gujarat high court on Friday granted a 15-day temporary bail to Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Babu Bajrangi, who was convicted by a special court in the 2002 Naroda Patia riot massacre case, in which 96 people were killed.
Bajrangi urgently moved a temporary bail plea through his son after his 80-year-old father died here on Friday. The leader demanded a fortnight period to perform the last rituals.
A division bench of Justice Jayant Patel and Justice ZK Syed granted temporary bail to him till March 6 on the surety bond of Rs 25,000.
The high court has also imposed certain conditions under which Bajrangi will not be able to leave the state.
In August 2012, a special trial court had convicted former minister Maya Kodnani, Bajrangi and 29 others in connection with the Naroda Patia post-Godhra riots case.
After the verdict, the state government had given its consent to SIT to file an appeal in the Gujarat High Court seeking capital punishment for Kodnani, Bajrangi and four others.
However, it soon withdrew the consent following protests from right-wing organisations.
In November 2013, the SIT had filed three appeals seeking that Bajrangi and five other convicts should undergo life sentence without being considered for remission (reduction in term).