VHP demands stringent anti-conversion law in Chhattisgarh

New Delhi: Vishwa Hindu Parishad secretary general Milind Pande, in a press statement on Wednesday, expressed serious concern over the incidents of illegal conversions by Christian missionaries in Chhattisgarh.

He said that the situation is a bit more stable in the states which have stringent laws against illegal conversions and implement them strictly. The incidents in Chhattisgarh have again underlined the need for a stringent law in the state to stop such conversions.

The people of Chhattisgarh have worked determinedly to stop these activities and the VHP stands with them. We also believe that all efforts to stop illegal conversions should be made within the ambit of the Constitution and the law. If the converting and anti-tribal mindset of the missionaries in the state had been curbed in time, the innocent tribal society of Narayanpur would not have had to come out on the streets. It is the supreme duty of the state government to protect the interests of the tribal society, he added.

The VHP has also demanded that the government and local administration, instead of being seen on the same page as the missionaries, should stand firmly with the tribals. The way the customs, traditions, beliefs and deities of the tribal society are being insulted by these missionaries and efforts are being made to end the existence of the tribals way of life, it will not be tolerated anymore. The state government needs to take serious and quick steps in this matter, Pande said.