Hyderabad: Alleging that there were coverts of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao in Congress party, Congress senior leader V Hanumantha Rao has said that these coverts were extending cooperation while continuing in the Congress party. He asked party leaders to be alert towards such leaders.
Addressing the NSUI meeting held at Prakasham Hall here on Saturday, VH alleged that KCR was failed to fulfill a single assurance he was given to the people. He claimed that KCR was opting for early elections only to make his son as the Chief Minister of the state.
Stating that flexes are being fitted with KTR photos he said that the money belongs to people but photos were belongs KTR’s. Finding fault with the KTR for criticizing AICC chief Rahul Gandhi, VH said that KTR has no status to criticize Rahul Gandhi. He said that the party activists have to spread about Rafale scam in villages. He said that the KCR was deceiving the people in the name of buffalos and sheep. “Don’t we want power? Power is for you and buffalos and sheep for us?”, he asked. He asked the NUSI leaders to gather students and youth and make them strive for the victory of Congress party. He called upon the youth to revolt against KCR government in the coming days and said that future was belongs to youth.