Alleging that there were no bills to Rs 3 crore out of Rs 11 crore expenditure showed by the Telangana Study Circle, Congress leader V Hanumanth Rao has said all the details were secured through Right To Information (RTI) Act.
Hanumanth Rao staged a dharna at Telangana Study Circle beside KBR Park today demanding that the State government solve the problems of the students of the Study Circle. VH told the media that instead of an SC or ST person in the Ministry of SC Welfare, the upper caste G Jagdeesh Reddy was continuing in the post. The Study Circle authorities were saying they were giving Rs 3,500 pm to every student, he said. He also alleged the TRS government was indulging in corrupt practices in the name of Study Circle.
Though the State governments were erecting Ambedkar statues everywhere, they were not doing justice to the SCs. Does the government know t how many SCs were getting civil services while staying in the Study Circle, he asked. He also charged the officials with swallowing money meant to be spent on the SCs. The police department in the State was dancing to the tunes of the TRS leaders, he alleged. (NSS)