Lamenting that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao was indulging in excess charity activities by donating crores of rupees to the temples and caste associations, AICC secretary V Hanumantha Rao today questioned IT & Municipal Administration Minister KT Ramarao as to why the State government was strictly collecting taxes from the people by increasing them by two times.
Speaking at the Assembly media-point here on Thursday, VH said the State government has increased property tax from Rs 800 to Rs 16,00. He asked KTR as to why the government has increased the taxes heavily. “KCR gave an impression that he was an activist but lifted the Dharna Chowk from Indira Park like a dictator”, he said and alleged that KCR lifted the Dharna Chowk from Indira Park afraid of movements.
Earlier, VH entered into an argument with the police when the latter obstructed him making it clear that there was no permission to the former MLAs and MPs to speak at the media point when the House was in session. He asked police what was wrong if he speak as a former minister. “The police behavior was not good. The DGP resorting to police raj”, he alleged, adding that the State government was making the people to consume liquor on one hand and was making the police to arrest the boozers on the roads. An angry Hanumantha Rao said he would see police highhandedness after his party coming back to power. (NSS)