Indore: Madhya Pradesh Police on Saturday said veteran journalist Kalpesh Yagnik did not die of a heart attack as reported earlier but lost his life after he fell from the terrace of a building here.
The 55-year-old Dainik Bhaskar Group Editor passed away early on Friday.
Director General of Police Narayan Chari Mishra told IANS: “Yagnik died after falling from the terrace of a three storeyed building. Police has launched an investigation into the incident.”
On Friday, it was reported that Yagnik was working at the newspaper’s Indore office when he suffered a cardiac arrest at 10.30 p.m. on Thursday.
He was rushed to the Bombay Hospital here, where he had started recovering after three hours of treatment. But he suffered another major attack and died around 2 a.m., sources had said.
Yagnik was associated with the Bhaskar Group since 1998. He was both an excellent writer and editor who wrote on social issues.