New Delhi: A verbal spat broke out between current and former Investigating Officers (IO) Satish Dagar and Ajay Kumar Bassi respectively in a Delhi court during the hearing in the CBI vs CBI bribery case on Friday.
Special CBI Judge Sanjeev Aggarwal during the last hearing had directed the Investigating Officer (IO) Ajay Kumar Bassi to appear before the court on Friday to explain the case diary maintained by him.
Bassi briefed the court about the investigation done by him earlier in 2018.
Bassi told the court that there were clinching evidences against former CBI Special Director Rakesh Asthana, but current IO did not even seize Asthana’s phone and other electronic evidence.
“On a made up case, clean chit has been given to the public servant. He should have seized the mobile phones,” Bassi said.
The contentions in the case diary were opposed by the current officer, Superintendent of Police Satish Dagar.
He said, “Bassi refused to join investigation on two occasions. Now, he is making personal allegations.”
The judge retorted saying, “There is no point washing dirty linen in public. You both worked in the same organisation, which is bigger than an individual.”
The court will now hear the matter on March 7.
The CBI on October 15, 2018, had registered an FIR against Asthana for allegedly accepting a bribe from an accused probed by him in return for ensuring relief and a clean chit in the case. He was, however, given clean chit earlier this month.