New Delhi: The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, Venkaiah Naidu and Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Sumitra Mahajan on Monday issued a joint statement appealing to the Members of parliament (MPs) to contribute to the flood-ravaged Kerala.
“We appeal to all the Members of Parliament to contribute generously from their MPLADS (Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme) funds for the relief and rehabilitation works in the affected areas of Kerala, as permissible under the MPLADS guidelines and also to consider donating their one month’s salary for this noble and humanitarian cause,” read the statement.
The statement further stated that the government has declared the calamity of a “severe nature”.
Earlier in the day, Naidu called a review meeting to take stock of the Kerala floods with Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha Harivansh Narayan Singh, and decided to donate a month’s salary for relief measures.
Kerala has been going through the worst flood in its history in 140 years, claiming at least 357 lives. In order to help Kerala in this hour of need, several political leaders have come forward to support the state and announced monetary help for it.
On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a relief fund of Rs. 500 crore to the state, in addition to the financial assistance of Rs 100 crore, announced by Home Minister Rajnath Singh.
The Centre has also launched massive rescue operations in the state, along with Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF).