Tamil Nadu: Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam has announced DM Kathir Anand as its candidate for the Vellore Lok Sabha constituency against AC Shanmugam, President of New Justice Party.
Elections for the parliamentary seat were cancelled by the Election Commission of India (ECI) after large amounts of unaccounted cash were seized ahead of polling in
The election for the constituency is scheduled to take place on August 5, the notification of which will be issued on July 11.
The AIADMK is fielding AC Shanmugam as its alliance candidate from Vellore Lok Sabha seat.
In April, the ECI sent recommendation to President Kovind following cash seizures from the Vellore premises of Kathir Anand, son of DMK’s treasurer Duraimurugan.
“Accepting the recommendation of Election Commission dated April 14, 2019, the President is pleased to rescind election to Vellore Parliamentary Constituency, Tamil Nadu to elect a member to Lok Sabha,” Election Commission said in an official statement.