New Delhi Aug 24 : All India Mahila Congress (AIMC) President Shobha Oza on Monday dubbed the NDA Government as ‘incompetent’ for failing to stop black marketing and corruption.
Recalling that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had promised before elections to reduce costs, Oza said: “The way prices of onions and pulses are hiking, a common man surviving on eating roti and onion has lost that as well,” Said
“This government is incompetent to stop black-marketing and corruption. Against such useless government and to awaken them, Women congress is protesting today,” she added
Government had hiked the minimum export price of onions sharply by 275 dollars per tonne to curb shipments and boost domestic supply to control spiraling retail prices that have touched up to Rs. 80 per kg.
The decision to increase onion MEP to 700 dollars per tonne from 425 dollars has taken the prices of onions at both wholesale and retail levels to rise on lower output due to unseasonal rains earlier. (ANI)