Hyderabad: Cyberabad Police had made up its mind to implement the helmet rule strictly in its jurisdiction. The violators of the rule may lose their driving licenses.
According to the rule, not only the rider of the two-wheeler but the pillion rider must also wear the helmet. Thus it will be costly for any rider to give a lift to any stranger without a helmet.
The Traffic Police authorities say that the implementation of the Motor Vehicle Act 2019’s Section 206(4) is in the interest of the public to prevent accidents.
Currently, the Cyberabad traffic police started fining the violators online. The police fined 50,000 violators last year collecting an amount of Rs.18,00,000.
According to the figures released by the traffic police, 663 people died in 625 road accidents and most of the fatalities occured due to non wearing of helmit.
The Traffic police will launch an awareness video campaign prior to taking the strict action of cancelling the licenses of the violators.