US welcomes Japanese move to expand scope for military action

The United States has welcomed the move by Japan to loosen restrictions on its powerful military allowing it to go into battle in defence of allies, saying the step is important for regional peace and security.

“I welcome the Government of Japan’s new policy regarding collective self-defence, which will enable the Japan Self- Defence Forces to engage in a wider range of operations and make the US-Japan alliance even more effective,” said Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel in a statement issued here yesterday.

“This decision is an important step for Japan as it seeks to make a greater contribution to regional and global peace and security. The new policy also complements our ongoing efforts to modernise our alliance through the revision of our bilateral guidelines for defence cooperation,” he said.

Hagel said the US has an enduring interest in the Asia-Pacific’s peace and prosperity, and its alliance with Japan is critical to the American strategy in the region.

The highly controversial shift in Japan’s chiefly pacifist stance comes ahead of the scheduled visit of Japanese Defence Minister to US next week.

Under the new interpretation, Japanese troops will be able to come to the aid of allies – primarily the US – if they come under attack from a common enemy.

Critics claim that such a move by Japan may inflame tension with neighbouring China and South Korea, and see Tokyo drawn into overseas conflicts, such as in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby, however, refuted the claims.

“No, there is not concern about inflaming tensions in the Pacific region. As a matter of fact, we believe quite the opposite,” he said.

“Now, there is a lot of work left to do inside the Japanese government on this policy change that they’re seeking. It’s a democracy. They’ve got a Diet that needs to vote on this. I mean, there’s a lot of work left to do.

“We frankly think it is a very encouraging sign and will help inform the revision of the defence guidelines, the bilateral defence guidelines that we have with Japan,” Kirby said.

He said the Pentagon will have a helpful effect on the American ability to continue to foster this re balance and to continue to realise it in tangible ways.

“What makes the alliance with Japan stronger by design and by default helps make the Asia-Pacific re balance all the more viable,” he said.