US: Two black representatives demanding stricter gun control expelled from house in Tennessee

It’s shocking what is happening in the oldest democracy, the USA.

Some days back, three nine-year-old children and three adults were killed when a transgender woman with a gun went spraying bullets in Covenant School in Nashville, capital of Tennessee, USA.

The death toll could have been much higher because it is learnt that the woman went berserk firing nearly 150 rounds.

An incident which would leave people emotionally surcharged.

But what is more appalling is when the political representatives of the place went ahead and protested, raising the issue of stricter gun control in the Tennessee House of Representatives, two black representatives were expelled from the House. A lady white representative who joined them was saved from expulsion by just one vote.

True the representatives demanding gun control may have overstepped the rules but then people must allow some public venting of their anger particularly after the gruesome Covenant school shooting.

The three Democrats wanted “gun reform” and were protesting for this following the shocking Covenant School shooting in Nashville, Tennessee.

Interestingly, Tennessee has a majority of Republicans in its House of Representatives. Democratic president of the USA Joe Biden has expressed his concern over the issue.

Ostensibly the Democratic Representatives have been expelled due to their “disorderly behaviour”. They broke rules by approaching the Podium between bills without being asked to speak. Is not going to the well of the house and shouting routinely happening in our country?

The Democrat protestors had a  bullhorn while leading the protest. It was led by Representatives, Johnson of Knoxville, Justin Jones of Nashville and Justin Pearson of Memphis. They were shouting for gun reform.

The expulsion resolution alleges that three “did knowingly and intentionally bring disorder and dishonour to the House of Representatives through their individual and collective actions.”

The melee was such that State troopers had to clear the House galleries.

The expelled representatives have said that they were not going to take this unprecedented move lying down and fight back and even if necessary move court. They said the number of other misdemeanours by Representatives had not led to any expulsion. “But talk on the floor without permission, and you’ll get expelled.”

Naturally, in the area where gun violence takes place, people would urge their representatives to fight for stricter gun laws, but then if they are expelled for this reason by a House where they are clearly in minority, the people of the area will be left without any representation.

The right of the people to be heard is clearly taken away.

The question is how to have systems in place which would stop mass school shootings. Many teenage groups there are protesting against the shootings.

After the attack at the private Covenant School last week, hundreds of residents had marched toward the State Capitol to demand that the legislature restrict access to guns.

However, Governor Lee and Republicans have stressed the need more for strengthening of school security.