US threatens Russia with tougher sanctions if it fails to act on Ukraine deal

The US has reportedly threatened Russia with stricter economic sanctions if it did not comply with the new international agreement to help contain the crisis in Ukraine.

According to The BBC, after cautiously welcoming the deal struck on Thursday, the White House has now stepped up pressure on Russia to use its influence over separatists occupying the buildings in nine cities and towns in eastern Ukraine.

The statement comes amid a violation of the key term of the accord, following refusal of pro-Russian separatists to leave building.

During recent talks in Geneva, Russia, Ukraine, the EU and the US had agreed that illegal military groups in Ukraine had to be disbanded, and that those occupying government premises must be disarmed and made to leave.

However, the separatists’ spokesman in the city of Donetsk said that the Kiev government was “illegal”, and refused to leave the premises until the government stepped down.

Meanwhile, US National Security Adviser Susan Rice, on Friday, warned that if Moscow failed to uphold the deal, a new round of sanctions would focus on “very significant sectors of the Russian economy”.

Talking at a news briefing in Washington , Rice said that the White House believed that Russia has considerable influence over the actions of those who have been engaged in destabilising activities in eastern Ukraine. (ANI)