US man describes `night wife cut off penis`

New York, April 19 (ANI): A Californian man, who has filed a case against his estranged wife for severing his penis and putting it in a garbage disposal, has revealed that it was as though his life ended the evening of the attack.

The unnamed man said on the first day of the trial of Catherine Kieu, 50, that it was like she had murdered him that night, the New York Daily News reported.

Orange County Deputy District Attorney John Christl, asserted in his opening statement that Kieu was angry with her husband because he was dating a former girlfriend, so she laced his food with Ambien sleeping pills on July 11, 2011, then tied him to a bed, severed his penis and put it in the garbage disposal.

Meanwhile, the husband, who had to undergo surgery that allowed him to urinate but his penis could not be re-attached, said that he would never have a sex life again and even though his mental state is improving, it may never be what it was before.

He further divulged that he remembers waking up, tied to the bed and feeling a sudden and very sharp pain.

Deputy public defender, Frank Bittar, said in his opening statement Kieu`s traumatic childhood in war-torn Vietnam caused mental illness that should prevent her from conviction on the charges of aggravated mayhem and torture.

According to Christl, prosecutors also played an audio in court that was captured by a voice-activated recorder Kieu had hidden in the bedroom.

She was heard yelling, “you deserve it” three times before the attack on the recording. (ANI)