US couple adopts a four-year-old girl from Sangareddy

Hyderabad: A four-year-old girl who was a Sishugruha inmate in Sanagreddy was adopted by a young American couple from Virginia.

The girl was given to Brian Lee Dotson, 35, and his wife Emily Elizabeth Redden, 29, a nurse by profession. Through an American adoption agency called America World Adoption, the couple has contacted Telangana’s Women and Child Welfare Department.

The girl had Myasthenia gravis, a neuromuscular illness that causes skeletal muscle weakness that gets worse after periods of activity and gets better after periods of rest, according to the authorities.

Since the girl was the third child of a couple from the Sangareddy district, they handed over the girl at Sishugruha four years ago.

The girl also had a hole in her heart, but the Women and Child Welfare department officials got surgery performed on her. The girl was handed over to a couple from the hands of Collector A Sharath.