Maulana Azad National Urdu University is gradually stepping ahead towards change in its medium of instruction. Although the university was formed aiming at promotion and development of Urdu language, university authorities never paid attention towards promoting Urdu as medium of instruction.
Interestingly majority of teaching staff is non-Urdu speaking and they are promoting English on the pretext of lack of Urdu syllabus books. Persons holding key posts in the university have admitted that none of the vice chancellors in the past paid attention towards promoting Urdu language as medium of instruction.
A university professor predicted that university will totally convert into English medium in next few years. Irregularities and wilfulness were done in recruitments during the past 5 years. The north Indian group who dominated over university for a long time were involved in nepotism, irregularities and corruption instead of promoting Urdu, as a result the future of the first national Urdu university is at stake. It is said that all important courses like MBA, Journalism, Integrated courses and other courses are taught in English. University authorities say that syllabus books are not available in Urdu as a result professors and lecturers are compelled to benefit from English books.
Registrar of the university told that there was no possibility of availability of syllabus books in Urdu so students had no choice but to benefit from English books.
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