New Delhi: Vice President of India Venkaiah Naidu hailed Urdu language saying it is a sweet language. It was spoken by all before independence, I like this language, he said. He told this while releasing the book authored by journalist Dr Muzaffar Husain Ghazali and the articles mentioned in the book refer to the field visits facilitated by UNICEF.. Naidu told that Urdu became the victim of communalism and major harm was done to it because of linking it with a particular religion. He further told that earlier Urdu was the medium of communication in the entire country.
Highlighting the popularity of Urdu, Venkaiah Naidu claimed that former prime minister Atal Bihar Vajpayee had to open a dictionary to understand Hindi but he can easily understand Urdu.
Several dignitaries were present in the book release function.
Clarification: In our article, we mentioned by error that the book was authored by media advisor of UNICEF. Kindly refer to it as – the articles mentioned in the book refer to the field visits facilitated by UNICEF.