Hyderabad: Abid Ali Khan Educational Trust has been conducting three levels of examinations of Urdu namely, Urdu Dani, Zaban Dani and Insha twice a year since 1994. The next examination will be held on 27th January 2019.
Applications are invited from the centers who offer coaching and conduct these exams.
It may be mentioned that the trust publishes and distributes the textbooks for the above mentioned examinations free of cost. There is no examination fee also.
After passing these examinations, the students can take Urdu Maher, Urdu Alim and Urdu Fazil examinations for which 50% concession of fee is offered.
The students who pass Urdu Fazil examination are eligible to seek admission in Ambedkar, Kakatiya and Urdu Universities.
Urdu Fazil has been treated equivalent to intermediate for getting admission in BA. The trust has been making representations to the Govt. of TS for allowing Urdu Fazil passed candidates for seeking admission into BA without offering English.
Such of the centers who want to offer coaching for the above examinations may contact Abid Ali Khan Educational Trust, Siasat Office Complex from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For further details, they may contact phone numbers 04024744109 extension 225 or 040-24744180.
[source_without_link]Siasat News[/source_without_link]