Hyderabad: Now universities of Telangana have also started acknowledging the services rendered by Abid Ali Khan Educational Trust for the promotion of Urdu. Lauding the efforts of promoting and teaching Urdu by way of preparing the syllabus for Urdu Daani and Zabaan Daani, Satyavahana University, Kareem Nagar has decided to include it in Urdu M A syllabus as Open elective subject. Chairman Board of Studies Urdu, Satyavahana University, Dr. Jaffer Jari sent a letter to Siasat editor, Mr. Zahed Ali Khan in this connection, seeking permission to include Urdu Daani, Zabaan Daani syllabus in MA. It has been planned to include the said syllabus in M A Urdu as open elective paper to teach Urdu to non-Urdu speaking community.
In the reply letter Mr. Zahed Ali Khan welcomed the move and permitted to include the syllabus in MA course.
Chairman Board of Studies hailed the activities of Abid Ali Khan Educational Trust and Idara-e-Adabiyat-e-Urdu under the auspices of Mr. Zahed Ali Khan in the promotion of Urdu language and literature.
Siasat news