Hyderabad: In a meeting of 92 Backward Class (BCs) associations, the legislation which provided 10% reservation to upper castes was opposed. The chairman of the meeting was Mr. R. Krishnaiah, President of National Backward Classes Welfare Association.
Central Government’s decision was termed as politically motivated action.
According to the report published in The Hindu, Mr. Krishnaiah questioned that how can the government provide reservation to upper castes when BCs, SCs and STs are demanding proportional reservation. He also said that the percentage of BCs population is 54 but they have only 27% reservation. Successive governments have neglected propositional reservation demand, he added.
Seeking justification from the central government over its decision, Mr. Krishnaiah said that there were 15% SCs, 7% STs, 14% OBCs and 64% upper castes in the Central Government jobs.
Claiming that upper caste is occupying higher posts, he said that 20 governors, chairpersons of 21 commercial banks and 100% managing director posts are held by upper caste. In PMO and Central Government Secretaries, 98% of the posts are occupied by higher caste. All 33 judges of Supreme Court and 687 out of 749 High Court Judges belong to upper caste. In Central Cabinet, 70% ministers are from upper caste, he said.
Leaders of BC associations, Mr. G. Krishnaiah, Mr. D. Naresh, Mr. G. Mallesh Yadav, Mr. N. Venkatesh, Mr. K. Janardhan and others are seeking justification from Central Government.