New Delhi : The Delhi Court on Saturday asked Deepak Kathpalia and Praveen Shankar Sharma, who are accused of threatening Neelam Krishnamoorthy, the founder of Association of the Victims of Uphaar Tragedy (AVUT), to give unconditional apology and publish it in leading newspapers.
Earlier in May, Kathpalia and Sharma, tendered their apologies before the complainant in a Delhi Court.
The complaint was filed by Krishnamoorthy who claimed that she was allegedly abused and threatened by the two employees of Ansal brothers in May 2007.
On April 15, the Patiala House Court which received her complaints, had adjourned the matter for hearing on May 27.
The court had already reserved its order on the basis of the chargesheet filed by Krishnamurthy, who lost her children in the Uphaar tragedy.
Earlier this month, Gopal Ansal surrendered before the Tihar jail authorities after the Supreme Court refused to grant him more time.
The apex court also refused Ansal’s plea, for more time to surrender and ordered the real estate baron to undergo the rest of his jail term.
The apex court directed senior lawyer Ram Jethmalani, who appeared for Ansal, to ask the real estate baron to complete the rest of his jail term.
The apex court sentenced Ansal to one-year jail term on February 9, while, his elder brother Sushil was ordered to skip his prison term citing old age and ill-health.
At least 59 people died of asphyxia and over 100 others were injured in the stampede after fire broke out in Uphaar cinema on June 13, 1997, during the screening of J.P. Dutta’s film ‘Border’.
This court case continued for 20 years. (ANI)