New Delhi: Amidst the efforts to form the Grand Alliance, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) categorically told that even if Bihar chief Minister and JDU chairman Nitish Kumar leaves NDA then also he would have no place in the Grand Alliance because he has cheated in such a way that has no parallels. Addressing to media here at his residence NCP Bihar MP Tariq Anwar said that he had written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to give the status of the special state to Bihar and also asked him to fulfil his promise of giving 165000 Cr special package to Bihar.
Tariq Anwar slammed Nitish Kumar asking that when it was UPA government Nitish Kumar had run a signature campaign and demanded to give special status to Bihar but now that NDA is in power at the centre, why is he silent even as he is the part of NDA? If at all Nitish Kumar is serious for Bihar he must put a demand with Modi government and if his demand is not conceded he should quit NDA, emulating Andhra Pradesh chief minister Chandrababu Naidu who has come openly for his state.