New Delhi: Accusing the Uttar Pradesh police of ripping off her clothes, Delhi Mahila Congress president Amrita Dhawan said that when she along with other Congress workers proceeded on foot towards Hathras to meet the family of the gang-rape victim along with Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi UP police tore her clothes during the scuffle.
While expressing her anger against the UP police, Amrita Dhawan also flayed ‘Yogi-Modi’ for atrocities on women.
Several Congress leaders shared pictures of Amrita Dhawan in torn clothes on social media. While the Congress leaders claimed that Dhawan’s clothes were ripped off by the UP police during the scuffle, Gautam Buddh Nagar police denied the allegation. Noida DCP for Women’s Safety, Vrinda Shukla claimed she was present during this protest and nothing was done against the dignity of any woman. Zee News reported.
Around 200 Congress workers along with Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi staged a march on the expressways in Greater Noida after their convoy was stopped near Pari Chowk.
Police briefly detained Gandhi siblings along with 150 party members when they were en route to Hathras to meet the family of the 19-year-old Dalit woman. They were later released on personal bond. The Dalit woman had died in a Delhi hospital on Tuesday, a fortnight after she was allegedly gang-raped near her village in western UP.
Police lodged an FIR against Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and around 200 other party workers under The Epidemic Diseases Act for not maintaining social distancing and not wearing face masks.