UP: Day before Eid, Hindu group to hold a Jagran in Muslim locality

Amidst communal tensions in the country, a Hindu group plans to hold a night-long ritual (also known as a Jagran), in a Muslim locality on the eve of Eid al-Fitr in Meerut. This is despite the police stating clearly that permission would not be granted.

In a video that surfaced on Twitter, a Hindu priest was seen threatening a police officer, demanding that the Jagran be given permission.

In a video that surfaced on Twitter, a Hindu priest, surrounded by a group of his followers, can be seen arguing with the police.

Although the inspector tries reasoning with the priest, the latter remained adamant. The inspector said, “No permission is given for you to hold the Jagran. However, you are free to do as you wish.”

The priest replies, “I will conduct the Jagran regardless of whether permission is granted or not.”

This incident is accompanied by a series of anti-muslim crimes and charges of discrimination that have gravely affected the community.

Although a general atmosphere of Islamophobia existed even prior, a number of states in the country have been witnessing communal tensions following violence that broke out during Ram Navami rallies on April 10.