In the matter of Altaf’s custodial death in Uttar Pradesh, the police have stated that the case against the deceased will be dropped. Altaf was accused of kidnapping a minor girl earlier but the police has stated that the two were well-acquainted with each other and added that the ‘girl’, who was reportedly kidnapped, is not a minor.
Last week Altaf was taken into custody for questioning and charged with sections 363 (kidnapping) and 366 (kidnapping, abduction to compel for marriage) of the Indian Penal Code, based on a complaint filed by the girl’s family.
Altaf was found dead on November 9 in police custody, after which cops claimed that he died by hanging himself from a 3 feet high water pipe, using the drawstring of his hoodie.
The woman who was reportedly found at the Kasganj railway station was produced before a magistrate to record her statement.
“The father of the woman had stated in his complaint that she is a minor. It was found that she is 19 years old. The section of kidnapping that had earlier been added to the FIR will be removed. Once the copy of her statement before the magistrate is obtained, further action will be considered,” said Kasganj SP, M Botre Rohan Pramod.
The police also said that Altaf had informed them of his relationship with the woman, and claimed that they had fallen out. The police also claim that a third person who was in constant touch with Altaf, had accompanied the woman to several places before she was found at the railway station.
A departmental inquiry and a magisterial probe are being conducted into the case, simultaneously.