Days after they were flooded with financial assistance from all over after cracking the prestigious IIT, Brijesh and Raju – the two sons of a Dalit labourer – now live in fear as their house in Uttar Pradesh’s Pratapgarh was pelted with stones at night. They have now been provided with police security.
Armed constables have been posted outside their modest one-room slum house in Rehua Lalganj village, said district officials on Tuesday.
The officials said that the two youth filed a police complaint that unidentified people had pelted their house with stones in the dark. The duo had on Monday been felicitated by UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and gifted laptops along with assurance of bearing their education expenses.
A police official informed that efforts were on to trace the people who pelted stones and scared the Dalit family. The youth’s father Dharamraj told investigating officers that he was too dazed to comprehend that they were attacked.