Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh Anti-Terrorist Squad (UP ATS) has arrested a key member of a gang involved in the infiltration of Bangladeshis and Rohingyas in India.
The man has been identified as Qayyum.
The gang used to get Indian passports made for the Bangladeshis and Rohingyas using fake Hindu identities and would send them abroad for work.
Inspector General ATS, Gajendra Kumar Goswami, said the name of Qayyum surfaced during questioning of the nine accused arrested from Kanpur and Kolkata on Monday.
“We interrogated Qayyum, who was living in Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi, on a fake identity as Khokhan Sardar, at the ATS headquarters in Lucknow and then arrested him,” the IG said.
Goswami said that during questioning Qayyum revealed that he was a key member of the syndicate and was given the task of ensuring safe departure of Bangladeshis, Rohingyas from airports to their destination without any hassles.
ATS officials said Qayyum is proficient in English and Hindi languages and was paid Rs 1 lakh for the task.
“In case any Bangladeshi or Rohingya fumbled at the airport or landed in some trouble in any state, then Qayyum would tackle the situation,” the officials said.
ATS has also got a 12-day police custody remand of the nine Bangladeshis arrested from Kanpur on Monday with fake ID cards.