UNSW Future of Change Scholarship 2018

UNSW Future of Change Scholarship 2018 invites applications from class 12 passed students and graduates.

It is a forward step to attract and invite Indian students of high potential and calibre by providing them financial assistance to pursue their undergraduate and post-graduate level courses in Australia.

Who is offering this scholarship:
University of New South Wales, Australia offers this scholarship to talented Indian students.

Who can apply for this scholarship:
An applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria. The applicant must be a citizen of India and not a resident of Australia.

The applicant must be residing in India, prior to commencing study at UNSW at the undergraduate level (For postgraduate applicants, they may have their prior residence in Australia)

The applicant must have applied and received an offer of admission from UNSW for the prescribed undergraduate or postgraduate course.

The applicant must have obtained a minimum of 1 point in All India Senior School Certificate (AISSC), or 2 points in Indian School Certificate (ISC), or at least 2 points in the International Baccalaureate, or at least 1 point at GCE A-levels over academic program entry (For undergraduate applicants)

The applicant must have completed a bachelor degree with a minimum grade equivalent to UNSW GPA of 70. (For postgraduate applicant)Note:

Applications shortlisted for the scholarships will be announced in June 2018 and funds will be released in second semester 2018.

How can you apply:
Step 1: To register.

Step 2: Once registered, log in with the registered username and password after selecting the ‘I am a’ section
Step 3: Fill all the details.

Step 4: Upload the testimonial video.
Step 5: Submit.