Unrest masterminds still at large, says Leader rep.

Tehran, August 19: The Leader’s representative to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says the masterminds behind the post-election violence in Iran are still at large.

Hojatoleslam Ali Saeedi, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s representative to the IRGC said on Tuesday that the “leaders of the recent unrest are still out of prison.”

The apprehension of the post-vote violence organizers should be facilitated, as it “could be the will of the nation and the media.”

He also touched on the confessions made by the post-election detainees, saying that they have uncovered the role of “foreigners and some embassies,” including the British embassy, in the recent disturbances.

“These confessions were of utmost importance, since they shed light on the core of ‘the ordeal’ and the rings linked to it,” Saeedi said.

Saeedi went on to describe ‘the ordeal’ as a ‘blessing in disguise’ saying that it had exposed ‘elements’ who were potential troublemakers for the country.

“It was not unexpected that the foreigners would take us for the likes of Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan [and attempt to apply the same tactics that they have use in such countries],” he said.

“However, it was strange that some of our compatriots were deceived by the enemies and played by their rules.”
