University of Hyderabad ranked 4th on list of multidisciplinary univs in India

Hyderabad: The WEEK-HANSA research survey for the year 2023 has ranked the University of Hyderabad (UoH) in fourth position among the top 85 multidisciplinary universities (including state, central, and private varsities) in the country.

In the 2022 rankings, the UoH was ranked fifth in the country. However, UoH is ranked first position among the top universities in the south this year.

Vice-Chancellor, Prof B J Rao said, “Even more gratifying is to see the university moving up in the overall rankings compared to last year.”

“The university has been making steady progress and this has been possible only due to the efforts of our faculty, students, alumni and administrative staff,” the VC added.

A primary survey was conducted with 302 academic experts, spread across selected cities where the respondents were asked to nominate and rank the top 20 universities in India.

The perceptual score was calculated based on the number of nominations and the actual ranks received, while the factual score was calculated based on information collected from universities and other secondary sources.

Parameters including age and accreditation, infrastructure, faculty, research and academics, student intake and exposure, and placements (only for technical universities) were followed while ranking.

The overall result of the survey has been published in the WEEK magazine issue of May 12.