In a grand function on May 9, 2003, at Kamatipura dispensary, foundation stone was laid for 30 bed hospital. The foundation tablet still exists here however the hospital not even has a single bed.
A renovation project of magnificent heritage building of Nizamia Unani Tibbi College (Charminar Shifakhana) began on February 3, 2011 with the cost of 3.5 crore. The work is unfinished even after 3 years.
A 5.74 crore Musi Revitalisation Project began 6 years ago to revitalise Musi river. Two rubber dams were to be constructed between Muslim Jung Bridge and Salar Jung museum in River Musi as part of the Musi Revitalisation Project. The project is still pending.
On 22 December 2010 foundation was laid for 4.8 crore Charminar Pedestrian Project at a grand function the project is incomplete even after 3 years.
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