Hyderabad: A huge mysterious sinkhole appeared on the boundary of a residential compound at Maula Ali on Saturday. Suspecting a granite structure inside, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation officials asked the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) to have a look into the hole.
At the first sight, locals thought that rodents might have make a hole, however they were surprised to spot the granite structure inside. Local residents alerted GHMC officials, who inspected the hole then. It is suspected that the granite structure must have historic significance.
Telangana Today has quoted P Anil Raj, Executive Engineer, GHMC, as saying “The structure inside the hole appears to be of granite, which could have disappeared due to urbanisation. We have alerted officials of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) to inspect the cavity and the surrounding area to see if it is a historic construction.”
While the GHMC has closed the sinkhole temporarily to avoid any accidents in the night, locals flock to the area to have a glimpse of the mysterious sinkhole and the strange granite structure beneath.