New Delhi, Aug. 7 : Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati on Friday said she was not convinced by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj’s emotional speech in the Parliament yesterday with regard to her role in Lalit Gate.
“We are not convinced with Sushma Swaraj’s speech. Law should have been kept in mind with humanity,” said Mayawati.
Earlier in the day, Congress president Sonia Gandhi had criticized Swaraj over her clarification on the Lalit Modi controversy, saying she is an expert at ‘theatrics’.
Swaraj had yesterday insisted that she had made “no request or recommendation” to the UK Government for Lalit Modi’s travel documents but had left the decision to Britain.
“I want to know what Soniaji would have done if she was in my place? Would she have let the woman die?” she asked the Congress president.
She also said that she had not helped Lalit Modi but his cancer-stricken wife. (ANI)