UK removes face-to-face interviews for refugees to cut asylum backlog

The United Kingdom (UK) government led by Rishi Sunak decided to remove face-to-face interviews for refugees to reduce the asylum backlog, a promise that was made by the Prime Minister.

Instead of face-to-face interviews, the UK government started issuing questionnaires to refugees. They have to reply to it in English in 20 working days. Failing to submit within the deadline may result in refusal.

UK Home Office began issuing questionnaires

On Thursday, the UK Home Office began issuing questionnaire documents to around 12000 people from five countries viz., Afghanistan, Eritrea, Libya, Syria, and Yemen.

Though, the step was taken to reduce the backlog which was 92000 till last June, the condition of replying to complicated questions in English in 20 working days is termed as ‘unreasonable demand’.

Some of the questions listed in the document include, ‘If you do fear officials in your country, is it possible to email or telephone family members or friends in your country of origin to request [identity documents] without placing yourself or them at risk?’ and ‘Were you subject to human trafficking (the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit) or modern slavery (severe exploitation of other people for personal or commercial gain) during your journey to or after you arrived in the UK?’

Is extension possible?

The claimants will lose asylum claim if they fail to return the questionnaires within 20 working days. Though an extension can be requested if required, a reasonable explanation has to be given.

After waiting for months in worry over the uncertainty about their applications, the claimants especially those who don’t speak English and have no legal access have to struggle to meet the deadline of 20 working days.