UK ‘evil group’ arrested for keeping under age girls as sex slaves

An evil gang in Britain has been arrested for keeping five schoolgirls aged between 12 and 14 as sex slaves.

The group, which includes one adult and three youths all of Roma and Kurdish origin, raped and sexually abused the girls.

One 13-year-old, who is partly deaf and has learning difficulties, was attacked at a park and inside a Wendy house.

According to, she was also sold for sex at 20 pounds once by ringleader Zdeno Mirga, 18.

The attackers were arrested after the girl confided in a social worker after being taken into care.

She told jurors at the Old Bailey in London that she was taken to a party and given a cocktail of drink and drugs.

She described lying on the bed ‘like dead’ while being touched by Migra and his friend before performing oral sex.

The girl was raped by either one-on-one or in groups of up to ten.

The gang had all been found guilty of the attacks in Peterborough, Cambs, in 2012.

Mirga was sentenced to 16 and a half years for inciting child prostitution, eight rapes and four charges of sexual activity with a child.

Others were awarded up to 20 years and 12 years for rapes and offences of sexual activity with a child involving two girls.(ANI)