UK Court sentences gay Sikh banker to 21 years in jail for murdering wife

A UK court has reportedly sentenced an India origin gay banker in London to 21 years in jail for murdering his wife and burning her body in an attempt to conceal his sexuality.

Jasvir Ginday, 29, killed his wife Varkha Rani, 24 just months after the duo married at a lavish arranged marriage ceremony in India attended by 700 people, after which the Royal Bank of Scotland employee then stuffed her body into a patio incinerator, doused her in petrol and set her alight, the Mirror reported.

Meanwhile, Ginday kept stressing throughout the three-week trial that the murder was an accident and it happened while he was restraining her with a vacuum cleaner.

Ginday’s actions were prompted after his wife threatened to expose his homosexuality to family and friends after she discovered illicit content on his iPad and iPhone.

Detective Chief Inspector Sarbjit Johal, the officer in charge of the murder inquiry, said that how Varkha met her death still remains a mystery, adding her body was badly damaged but it was clear to the pathologist that she was dead when she was put into the incinerator.

Johal said that Ginday got married as a matter of convenience – he tricked a poor innocent girl into marriage but was living a lie and when she uncovered the truth, he could not live with it and killed her quickly, then tried to dispose of her body and her possessions by burning them. (ANI)