Telugu actor Uday Kiran, who committed suicide here, will be cremated Tuesday. His body has been kept at the Andhra Pradesh Film Chamber of Commerce for the public to pay their last respects.
Uday, 33, hanged himself to death from the ceiling in his flat Sunday.
“Since this (Tuesday) morning Uday’s body has been kept at the AP Film Chamber of Commerce office. Later in the evening, his last rites will be performed at the Erragadda cremation grounds,” C. Kalyan, president South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce, told IANS.
Uday reportedly ended his life due to the depression of not getting roles in films.
Born on Jan 26, 1980, the actor made his cinematic debut with Telugu romantic-drama “Chitram” in 2000. He went on to act in several successful films such as “Nuvvu Nenu” and “Manasantha Nuvve”.
He had also worked in Tamil films such “Poi” and “Pen Singam”.
In October last year, Uday married his longtime friend Vishita. Before that, in 2003, he was engaged to Chiranjeevi’s daughter but the marriage was called off for unknown reasons.(IANS)