Mumbai: In a shocking and brutal incident on Monday, model-turned-actress, Malvi Malhotra, who is known for the popular TV serial ‘Udaan’, was allegedly stabbed thrice in the stomach by a producer, who had been stalking her for months. Locals, who witnessed the attack, alerted police.
It was reported that the incident took place on a busy road in Versova around 9pm on Monday. Malvi Malhotra (29) received three serious wounds and has been admitted at the Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai. She is currently out of danger.
Who is Malvi Malhotra?
Malvi Malhotra is from Himachal Pradesh. She started her career as a model, featuring in ads for clothing and beauty brands. The actor worked in theatre for three years before making her small screen debut with Udaan in 2017. Apart from Bollywood film Hotel Milan, Malvi also has Tamil movies Ondikku Ondi and Unadhan. She also launched her YouTube channel Shabnam Ki Shayari last year.
Attack on Malvi Malhotra
The accused who attacked Malvi Malhotra has been identified as Yogesh Kumar Singh (26).
Police sources said Malvi Malhotra was walking home after a work meeting when Singh approached her and forced her to get into his car. When she refused, he threatened to kill her and also end his life.
Speaking to Times of India, a family friend of Malvi Malhotra said, “Singh pulled out a knife from his pocket and stabbed her. He tried to slash her face, but she shielded it due to which she ended up suffering injuries on both hands. She has suffered three deep injuries for which she will need to undergo surgery. Singh has been following her for one year.”
Malvi Malhotra who acted in a few Malayalam and Telugu films as well as advertisements, had returned from a photo shoot in Dubai just a day before the attack.
FIR filed against Yogesh Kumar Singh
Malhotra filed a complaint against Yogesh Kumar Singh and said, “I met Singh in January to discuss a music video he was producing. He later proposed marriage. When I stopped talking to him and blocked him on social media, he got annoyed. He used to wait outside my building for hours. I was returning home on Monday when he waylaid me and asked me to get into his car. When I refused, he stepped out and stabbed me. Singh then fled in his car.”
The Mumbai Police meanwhile has filed an FIR under section 307 and section 354 at Versova Police station. Speaking to media, DCP S. Chaitanya, Mumbai Police spokesperson said that the further investigation is still going on and they will soon arrest the accused who is fled away after attacking Malvi Malhotra.
Malvi to undergo plastic surgery
Malvi is currently admitted to Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and has undergone plastic surgery. She suffered injuries on both hands and stomach.
Speaking to TOI about the brutal incident Malvi Malhotra said, “I think it will take 2-3 months before I am alright. Right now, the fingers of my left hand are not moving. The knife incision in my stomach was about 1.5 inches.”
Kangana Ranaut supports Malvi Malhotra
Malhotra has requested actress Kangana Ranaut and National Commission for Women (NCW) chief Rekha Sharma to support her, saying she did not expect such an incident in the city. Reacting to her request, actress Kangana Ranaut said that ‘small town strugglers’ cannot protect themselves as well as ‘nepotism kids’.