UAE: Kalpana Chawla award introduced to honour female achievements

Abu Dhabi: Kalpana Chawla Women Achievers Awards 2022 has been introduced by Science India Forum (SIF) UAE, a non-profit voluntary organisation, to honour women achievers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). 

The initiative is supported by Indian missions in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, and community leaders, scientists, and academicians.

Indian-born American astronaut Kalpana Chawla was the first woman of Indian origin to go to space. 

Photo: Khaleej Times

On the occasion of Kalpana Chawla’s sixtieth birth anniversary, SIF constitutes the Kalpana Chawla Awards-2022  across UAE in the following categories:

  • Science & Technology
  • Entrepreneurs and Industry
  • Arts and Sports
  • Academics

Dr Zulekha Daud, founder and chairperson of Zulekha Health Care Group, and the chair of the organising committee for the award said in a press statement, “Women need to be self-motivated as they are going to continue to face challenges in all personal and professional spaces. Any desire to change anything in their lives must be driven by their own commitment and courage. Find your dream and pursue it – nothing must stop you, as you are blessed with the capabilities that no human can take away.”

Nomination can be made at SIF UAE website till April 25. The final list of winners will be selected by an expert panel and announced in Dubai on May 21.