Hyderabad: Telangana & Andhra Pradesh Two Wheeler Rights JAC has alleged that the Cyberabad Traffic Police by seizing the two wheelers for nor wearing helmet and releasing the vehicles only after producing helmet are illegally working as “Helmet Salesmen” and it is aimed at promoting the helmet manufacturer’s business.
While on the other hand, the Andhra Pradesh Government by increasing without helmet penalty heavily to Rs. 1000 is aimed at looting the common man with the pretext of compulsory helmet law.
In a statement here today Amanullah Khan, Convenor of the newly formed JAC has demanded that wearing of turbans be made mandatory instead of helmet. We also allege that both the Telugu State Governments approach to the helmet issue is discriminatory which made them take this stand.
“ The government has exempted people of Sikh religion from wearing helmets since they have turbans. So this means that turbans are good as wearing helmets and can prevent head injuries.
Whey are there no such exemptions for people of other religions when my head is more safe with turban? This is discriminatory and we demand that instead of helmets two wheeler riders along with pillion riders should be asked to wear turbans”,
Finally , he threatened to organize one day ‘bandh’ jointly demanding ‘helmet zulum bandh karo’ in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh States Shortly.