Two missing teenagers found dead

New Delhi: Two teenagers, missing since three days, were found dead today near a railway track in east Delhi’s Anand Vihar area with the boy’s family alleging that it might be a case of honour killing.

Police also recovered a suicide note of the boy, Pradip Kumar (17).

“The boy and his 16-year-old tuition friend were missing since Wednesday evening and missing complaints were lodged by their respective families at Shakarpur police station,” said a police officer.

The teenagers who were allegedly in a relationship had met a few years ago, police said adding, family of the girl was against this.

A probe has been launched to check the allegations levied by Pradip’s family that it is a case of honour killing although the suicide note states that he was taking this extreme step along with the girl as they were not sure about the future of their relationship due to disagreements between their families, the police officer said.