Two labourers caught stealing tomatoes at APMC market in Navi Mumbai

Mumbai: As tomato prices continue to soar across the country, two labourers allegedly attempted to steal 90 kg of the kitchen staple at the Agriculture Produce Market Committee’s (APMC) market in Navi Mumbai, police said on Tuesday.

The incident took place at the APMC market in Vashi on July 14, an official said.

Security guards at the market spotted two labourers dragging crates containing 90 kg of tomatoes around 2 am. The duo was attempting to take the crates outside the market when the guards intercepted them, he said.

When they failed to give a satisfactory response to the questions posed by the guards, they were taken to the APMC police station, the official said.

However, the owner of the tomato stock refused to lodge a complaint against the duo, he added.

Tomato prices have shot up since last month due to the disruption in supply amid monsoon.